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Af Lone Nørgaard.

NewSpeek vil gerne gøre opmærksom på en konference, der finder sted i København

lørdag d. 2. september kl. 8.30-18.30

Gå ind på dette link:

Billetsalg.dk ApS

og læs mere om konferencen, hvis hovedtema er:

Afsløring af fakta om pandemier og regeringskontrol 

Introduktionen til konferencen, der bliver afholdt på engelsk, lyder:

March 2020 was the beginning of the biggest changes that our society, and thus us as humans, have ever faced. Changes which from one day to the next have changed our behavior, rights and view of each other, ourselves and the world.

Public debates with different opinions about the factual conditions we suddenly found ourselves in have been completely omitted in all important topics within politics, health and rights. Critical voices have been censored, shamed and left out of the conversations. Authorities, institutions, workplaces and educational institutions have all followed an official narrative which has completely trumped the most basic principles of democracy; that the majority must have respect for the individual.

The same thing has happened all over the world! Factually, we are now in a situation where our society is disintegrating, and the collectivist idea of exclusion of the individual’s rights has become the central focal point of a political ideology which prevents us from getting information about the facts.

It is therefore our responsibility to seek factual knowledge about the changes our world is facing – because our knowledge is decisive for how we respond and accommodate them.

It is with humble pride and great joy that FBF, the Danish Freedom Movement, holds the first conference of its kind in Denmark, greatly supported by some of this time’s most brave frontiers for spreading the facts, no matter the personal consequences.

Her følger programmet:

Program, talerliste og temaer:

08:30 AM – Doors open. Coffee/tea, fruit and water are served

09:30 AM
Founder & Chair, FBF, Malue Montclairre                  – Welcome
Conference host Mette Bloch & John Bowe              – Introducing the day
Dr. David Martin                                                         – How we got here
Immunologist Dr. Kim Varming                                  – The natural progress of epidemics
Dr Pierre Kory                                                            – The War On Ivermectin

11:00 AM – Break

11:30 AM
Matt Hoy                                                                        – Personal story and music
Dr. Anastasia Loupis                                                     – When medicine does more harm than good
Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole                                             – Cancer and Turbo-cancer as a result of mRNA injections
Dr. Peter McCullough                                                    – Pandemic Lessons Learned

12:45 PM – Lunch

13:45 PM
Matt Hoy                                                                       – Music
Pathologist Dr. Clare Craig                                          – Vaccine injurie
Dr. John Campbell                                                       – Evidence-based Social Media
Philosopher Ulrik Søberg                                            – The spiritual body as political symbol and tool
Dr. Christian Buckland                                                 – The impact of psychological techniques on informed consent

15:10 PM – Break

15:30 PM
Matt Hoy                                                                        – Music
MEP Andrew Bridgen                                                    – The China-fication of Western Society’
Immunologist Dr. Dolores Cahill                                    – Law & Inalienable Rights
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich                                                     – Law and Human Rights
Lene Gammelgård                                                        – Self-created hope

17:00 PM – Break

17:20 PM
Panel discussion                                                           – Dialogue about the day and questions from the audience

18:30 PM – Thank you and goodbye


Jeg har meldt mig til konferencen, hvis billetpriser desværre er høje og vil forhindre adskillige i at deltage.

Omvendt: Når man ser på navnene på oplægsholderne, er der tale om mennesker, der skal til Danmark fra udlandet, og selvfølgelig ikke bare have transportudgifter dækket, men også hotel. Det kan næppe gøres billigere.

For mit eget vedkommende ser jeg frem til at møde en række af de personer, der de seneste tre år har været med til at splintre og forme mit verdensbillede: Peter McCullough, John Campbell, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Dolores Cahill, Reiner Fuellmich og Andrew Bridgen.

kan håbe på, at navnene er så store, at hovedstrømsmedierne bare ikke KAN komme uden om at dække konferencen.
Imidlertid er mine forhåbninger om pressedækning få og små baseret på en række erfaringer med ’den frie presse’ i forbindelse med bestyrelsesarbejde i Trykkefrihedsselskabet.

Derfor må de alternative platforme som sædvanligt forsøge at udføre de opgaver, danske journalister som hovedtendens ikke mere magter. Dels fordi de er uvidende, nyttige idioter, dels fordi de er presstitutes.

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