Af Lone Nørgaard & Peter Jørgensen.
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Her er et blogindlæg, der drejer sig om en Johns Hopkins undersøgelse af Covid-dødsfald.
Johns Hopkins er ikke en hvilken som helst institution, og når NewSpeek vælger at bringe lige denne tekst, er det fordi påstanden om fiflerier med Covid-dødsattester får yderligere næring her.
Her kommer indledningen:
Johns Hopkins study explodes COVID death hoax; it’s re-labeling on a grand scale
“This patient who died had an ordinary heart attack.”
“Not anymore. We’re repackaging it as COVID.”
by Jon Rappoport
November 30, 2020
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Don’t blink. Johns Hopkins may delete or retract their analysis at any moment. Their author’s study is devastating. Too hot to handle.
UPDATE: Yes, I wrote that opener a few hours before Johns Hopkins stepped in and DID retract the article. Boom. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Hopkins claims the article has been used to spread misinformation about the pandemic, and contains factual errors. CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] is cited as one correct source of facts. Hmm.
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