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Af Lone Nørgaard & Peter Jørgensen. 

Dr. Vernon Coleman har været på banen adskillige gange her på NewSpeek med en kritisk indfaldsvinkel til håndteringen af Covid-19 (lyt fx her og her). Nu er han aktuel i en ny video, der præsenteres sådan her: 

Proof the Covid-19 Jabs Should be Stopped Now 

In this astonishingly destructive video, Dr Vernon Coleman produces new evidence and annihilates the argument in favour of giving covid-19 jabs. He proves conclusively that all those advocating the covid-19 ‘vaccines’ (especially for children) are lunatics or liars or both.
For more unbiased information about other important matters, please visit https://www.vernoncoleman.org

Dr Coleman’s book ‘Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying – here’s the proof’ is available on Amazon as an ebook and a paperback.


Altså: I videoen fremlægger Dr. Vernon Coleman nye beviser for, hvor skadelige Covid-19 injektioner er. Og at de, der anbefaler stikkene – især til børn – er intet mindre end galninge, løgnere eller begge dele. 

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