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Af Lone Nørgaard.

Problem – Reaktion – Løsning

Klik på Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie og scroll ned til ”The Hegelian Dialectic” (begrebet forklaret i illustrationen), hvori der er en guldgrube af referencer til artikler, bøger og videoer. Flere rejser spørgsmålet: Eksisterer virus overhovedet?

Blandt de ca. 20 videoer er også Why I Began Questioning HIV (From the House of Numbers Deluxe Edition DVD fra 2011 med Kary Mullis og fire andre læger.


Mike Yeadon

Mike Yeadon bruger hele sin tilværelse på at oplyse og advare om den globalistiske, sataniske agenda. Det har (haft) store personlige omkostninger for ham, men han bliver ved. En sand frihedskæmper.

I sin introduktion til videoen med Mike Yeadon skriver Joel Smalley ”Mistakes were not made”. Det giver mindelser om et digt af Margaret Anna Alice oplæst af Dr. Tess Lawrie, jf. nedenfor.

Dr Mike Yeadon – have you stopped trusting yet? (

Joel Smalley:

A 90-minute antidote to a lifetime of lies you’ve been told by the mainstream media.”

Mistakes were not made

I am extremely fortunate to have met Mike, in his own home, with his family all about him so I have had the opportunity to determine his integrity and authenticity face-to-face.

All I can do for you here, is to share this most recent video of him speaking at “Rofim International Mega Event: Have You Stopped Trusting Yet?”, hosted by Chananya Weissman, mainly about the COVID crimes, but also about the more general global lies like the “climate crisis” and digital ID.

I was going to edit this for those short of time but there was so little I could justify cutting out, there was no point! And, frankly, by now, if you cannot afford an hour and a half of your time for this man, but still watch the BBC news or read a mainstream newspaper every day – “trusting the lies on TV”, I’m, sorry but you don’t deserve the benefit of his knowledge!”




En hymne til retfærdigheden

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