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Af Lone Nørgaard.

Det går forfærdeligt stærkt for øjeblikket med nedbrydningen af Vesten. Lige efter GLAFIAs plan. Hvad der sker i Storbritannien for øjeblikket er fortvivlende – og forudsigeligt. Jf. fx Jeff Berwick og This Is Not England: Enough Is Done. 

De fleste forstår ikke rigtigt den århundredgamle bagvedliggende dagsorden og de sataniske kræfter, der faciliterer den, men et stigende antal mennesker gør. Bl.a. oplyst af Daniel Estulin, der har skrevet en bog om Tavistock – globalisternes propagandacentral numero uno.   



Daniel Estulin’s TAVISTOCK. Excerpt #1

Daniel Estulin’s TAVISTOCK: Excerpt #2, with a focus on the role of Aldous Huxley

Iurie Roshka had a conversation with Daniel Estulin about how our nations are being destroyed from within via an attack on religion, culture and traditions



En anden person, der har gravet dybt, er Mees Baaijenaktuel med en ny bog The Predators versus the People.

En præsentation er at finde her samt et klip fra introen:

New multi-video review of The Predators versus The People!

Makia Freeman is a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom, and the editor of The Freedom Articles.


Makia just devoted a multi-video series of commentary and analysis to my [Mees Baaijen] book The Predators versus the People, which he recommends highly [links til videoerne nedenfor].

He calls it an amazing and brilliant book with great clarity of thought, that will open your eyes, even if you are a seasoned conspiracy researcher.  He also states that the way the book is framed really distills the essence of what has happened the last 500 years, resulting in a clear and simple big picture, backed up with lots of evidence. The author has done an amazing service to humanity with this book, please go out and get it! [Min fremhævelse – LN]

“The Predators vs. the People” Book Review & Analysis – Part 1 – Video

“The Predators vs. the People” Book Review & Analysis – Part 2 – Video

“The Predators vs. the People” Book Review & Analysis – Part 3 – Video

“The Predators vs. the People” Book Review & Analysis – Part 4 – Video 


ChaosNavigators karakteristik:    

Groundbreaking research beyond James Corbett; Antony Sutton and alike….

Monumental epic and unbelievable work. Simply surreal and beyond insanity, MUST-read. 

Det er stor ros. At være i stand til at give Antony C. Sutton og hans tre niveauer (scroll ned) baghjul er få beskåret.



The New World Order, the collapse and Switzerland – with Christian Oesch

Samtalen er tidligere bragt, men tåler et gensyn, fordi Christian Oesch er så klar i spyttet.

Som et minimum kunne jeg foreslå at gå til 21:00 og tage seks syv minutter, hvor den overordnede plan lægges frem.

Videre til 35:00 – 45:00: Om BRICS / Kina – Rusland – opsummerende: ‘It’s an absolute theatre, they are all in it together…’

Også Rusland.

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