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Af Lone Nørgaard.  

Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!  


7 sager relateret til corona:


Sen. Ron Johnsons høring om vaccineskader


Svenske læger kræver vaccinestop efter afsløring af forskningsfusk



Sebastian Rushworth M.D.:

Covid: How long does vaccine based immunity last?


Blind Joe – I Will Not Comply (Official Video)

removed the first time after 48K views in 24 hours… Let’s see what happens this time around!🤠


Belejringen af Europa




Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun


CDC CAUGHT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS   CDC har ændret sine definitioner på, hvad en ”vaccine” er, og hvad man kan forvente af en ”vaccine”   

The HighWire with Del Bigtree




Mercola: Why Millions Will Regret Getting the Jab


Are the Unvaxxed More Dangerous Than a Fire? Kim Iversen Asks 5e0e187b9193


Astrid Stuckelberger | WHO Corruption | Planet Lockdown

In this interview in front of the WHO headquarters, whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger details irregularities, conflict of interest and corruption within the WHO. She has a long resume (10 pages) in global public health, worked for 

WHO teaching the International Health Regulations to member states for 3 years and taught at Geneva University. She also takes us on a drive through Geneva where she shows us the various UN agency buildings.   


Hva er det som foregår?

  • Om transhumanisme

Videoen ledte til dette link:  The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2021 –

(har tidligere haft en selvstændig intro på NewSpeek) 


En gammel sag med The Simpsons – men hvilken præcis profeti:

Forskningsfusk hos Pfizer, cancer, missbildningar, överdödlighet mm – Lars Bern i Fjärde Statsmakten 113


Italian Institute of Health Drastically Reduces Official COVID Death Toll Number by 97% 


Tar uvaksinert helsepersonell i forsvar: – Vaksinen er ikke egnet til å hindre smitte

Professor Elling Ulvestad ved universitetet i Bergen mener kritikken mot helsepersonell som ikke har vaksinert seg er urettferdig. 


UK Funeral Director: 10 Times More Dead Babies


Dansk firma tjener 3600 millioner om året på “gratis” kviktests – mens danskerne betaler regningen 


German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently


[En lang tekst her til sidst med en opfordring til at købe Kennedys bog: The Real Anthony Fauci]

In the history of American politics, no family has done more to serve the people than the Kennedys.

Both John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy paid the ultimate price for daring to expose the corruption that all of the world is just now waking up to.

Honoring the legacy of his courageous father and uncle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  has been warning the world for decades about the dangers of Big Pharma’s reckless vaccine agenda.

As the Founder of Children‘s Health Defense,  RFK has been risking it all while working tirelessly to protect our children.

I’m honored to announce that my friend and ally, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has just completed what is, in my opinion, one of the most consequential and timely books ever written!

The Real Anthony Fauci is a detailed and devastating exposé of the inner workings of the medical-industrial-media complex and how it has distorted health and healing in the United States and around the world.

I have three requests of you related to this book:

1. Considering buying a copy – or even multiple copies for your local library and for friends and family.

2. After you receive your copy, please go to your social media channel and post a picture of yourself holding it. Remember to include the order link ( so others can easily order the book.

3. Please write a review on Amazon. For better or worse Amazon is by far the biggest force in book selling today and reviews there have a powerful impact.

(If you prefer to buy your books at your local book store, that’s a big way to help too.)

As #FIREFAUCI trends globally, there is no better time to learn who is The Real Anthony Fauci.

Buy it before they burn it! 

Mikki Willis


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