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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv! 


Reiner Feullmich On Covid And International Legal Developments


Kabuls fald – og Vestens


SR P1 Fake News om Covid – Läkaren Sture Blomberg och tekn dr Lars Bern bemöter journalisterna i Fjärde Statsmakten 101.




Dr. Zev Zelenko further exposes the globalist agenda to kill as many people as possible by preventing early treatment from being obtained by patients in need.


Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid-19 kan behandles


Og mere Peter McCullough: 

Dr Peter McCullough On Covid19: Treatment, Vaccines & A Dire Warning For New Zealand


SR P1 Fake News om Covid – Läkaren Sture Blomberg och tekn dr Lars Bern bemöter journalisterna i Fjärde Statsmakten 101. 




Støjberg vil føre Ayan Hirsi Ali som vidne i dansk rigsretssag




One hundred Afghan evacuees flagged for possible terror ties: report


Moderna vaccine production continues in EU amid contamination probe 


Dr Peter McCullough – The Vaccine Is Failing In The UK And Israel – OffBeat Business TV


Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests


Boykot Føtex og Bilka!


Jerm Warfare: 

I said the following a year ago, and I was labelled “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer” and other hilarious terms that don’t mean anything.

In fact, a number of people said the following.

And I’m going to say it again.

It’s not about a virus

Too many people are caught up in arguments surrounding infections and PCR tests and hospitalisations and vaccination against an apocalyptic zombie virus, called SARS-CoV-2, that is apparently wiping out humanity.

Whether or not this supposedly doomsday pathogen exists, is irrelevant.

It’s all theatre.

Scientifically speaking, there is very little evidence showing a causal link between a virus called SARS-CoV-2 and a disease called COVID-19, further confounded by papers claiming successful isolation (including those from Wuhan), whereby the isolation methods were based on “in silico” (digital) observations and not real-world observations from diseased humans (which was confirmed by the CDC after a FOI request was made).

In other words, the virus and its variants are based on data outputs created in computer modelling software (like BLAST), generated from downloaded sequences in a genome databank (like GenBank in China).

Which is why no lab tests for, in this instance, a Delta variant.

One of my followers prank-called three of South Africa’s top labs (Lancet, AmPath, and PathCare), asking them whether or not they test for Delta. All three said that they don’t, and you can listen to all three conversations here.

So, if they don’t test for a specific variant, then how can the media – or anybody – make claims about it?

Molecular biologist, Judy Mikovits, explains it in the following clip. 


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