Af Lone Nørgaard.
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BOYCOT ARLA Ved hjelp av larver vil Arla nå målene i «det grønne skiftet»
**** David Icke Discusses Elon Musks’ Starshield Spy Satellite Network
**** Meet the Deep State’s Luciferian Army
The One Skill You’ll Need to Survive and Thrive in 2025
Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC with Steve Patterson
Israel & Syria, Netenyahu & Putin – Who Are These People? Kay Griggs Interview
**** Keeping it in the deep-state family
The above article is an extract from my new 100-page booklet, The Single Global Mafia: The Rockefeller Foundation’s multiple links to Zionism and military-industrial-financial neo-imperialism, which can be downloaded free here for reading, safekeeping and the widest possible sharing.
****Top Political Analyst Barbara Honegger Exposes Some Big Deals
Droner – en PSYOP på vej – DEL 2
Top 10 Female Mind Control Agendas (NB! Fra januar 2024)
I’m Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good’ – David Icke Dot’Connector Videocast
**** How They Got the Right Wingers To Love The New World Order
Hvis travlt – gå i hvert fald til minut 40. Bill Maher!!!!!
Exclusive|Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry 2023-2024
My research summarized for a book chapter.
**** Var 7. oktober fri fantasi?
Why Did Churchill Have Britain Fight On After Summer 1940? It’s Bad News.
**** David Irving ~ Churchill and the Jews
Some things smartphones have replaced:
Cameras, maps, GPS devices, calculators, alarm clocks, TV’s, radios, camcorders, pay phones, yellow pages, answering machines, newspapers, calendars, VCR’s, flashlights, watches, timers, compasses, mail, cookbooks, car keys, cash, airline tickets, photo albums, magazines, money, voice recorders, scanners, walkie talkie, TV remotes, translators, playing cards, diaries, travel guidebooks, offices, foreign phrasebooks, portable speakers, takeout orders by phone, CDs, DVDs, encyclopedias, photocopiers, compact mirrors, bank branches, checks, rulers, address books, parking meters, rolodexes, dictionaries, common sense, curiosity, attention span, politeness, conversation, quiet, discipline, introspection, gratefulness
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The Indoctrinated Brain – How To Successfully Fend Off The Attack On Your Mental Freedom