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**** The Incoming Trump Administration Is Already Filling Up With War Sluts
Take Down the Ring of Fire & Support our Friends in Israel
**** What satanism actually is – Mark Passio
Her er mit frygtscenarie med Trump som præsident
Millions of Entries Erased Overnight from World’s Largest Obituary Database
With Overthrowing Iran On The Agenda, Western Media Ignore Facts To Spread Propaganda
No Matter Who Is President, We Must Focus on Exit and Build
The United Weather-Controlled ZionDom Of America (Jeff Berwick)
**** RKI-lækken i Forbundsdagen
**** Whistleblow Uncovers Covid Scam
COVID Vaccines Pose 112,000% Greater Risk of Brain Clots, Strokes Than Flu Shots
CDC Planned Quarantine Camps, Nationwide/Jeffrey Tucker @ Brownstone Institute
“The Indoctrinated Brain” – Dr Michael Nehls Special – Gareth Icke Tonight
A lawyer from the UK, who worked tirelessly on cases to defend children and vulnerable people from forced vaccinations, many of them pro-bono is being prosecuted by the government.
“Demystifying how the Hamas leadership works” by Hanna Alshaikh
Israeli Football Fans Chanted Racial Slurs, Incited Fights – Media Claims Antisemitism
Antisemitisme er den nære fjende til dyb politisk vækkelse
Coronakritik, slutspillet (digital overmagt) og fønikerne
**** Where is Joe Biden?
**** My Gut Feeling Indicates That I Made a Mistake………..and I Did. Here’s the Mistake I Made
**** Er regnskabets time ved at gå i gang?