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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

UGE 33

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I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene).

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**** The Art of Paradigm Shifting with Mark Gober


**** Fake Revolutions Everywhere You Look – Caitlin Johnstone  

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”De kontrollerer ikke bare oppositionen, de kontrollerer oppositionen til den kontrollerede opposition. (PC-oversættelse)


**** Banned Again


Reality Czars: Learning How to Look Through Lies & Deception


Podcast #202 – Jason Christoff – The Biggest Psy-op Being Missed At The Paris Olympics




Are the truth tellers the political prisoners now? How long will free people stand for this before it becomes clear there is no freedom left for anyone?


Occult Olympics, Solar Deities and the French Pagan Revolution


Globalists outline world govt pathway: 75% population reduction, global truth commission, earth system currency, revised UN Charter


**** The UK Kalergi Plan Replacement Theory 1984 Big Brother Take Over Done By… You Know Who



The IMPACT was released on 14 July 2024 by Act Files, a group of independent journalists united by a common goal – to defend human rights and protect democracy around the world.

The following write-up of the documentary is taken from its website.

The movie “The IMPACT” exposes the global threat that confronts all humankind.

This film lifts the veil of ignorance and uncovers what has been happening for 30 years right before our eyes, showing how we have been manipulated like puppets.”

The IMPACT: Exposing anti-cult terrorism (documentary) – The Expose (  


Lies being normalised is not the worst of it; the real danger is when truth has no value


Dr. Vernon Coleman: You Are the Far Right. And You Will Be Destroyed by Net Zero. It Will Mean No Holidays, No Television, No Football, No Heating, No Hot Food and Nothing Much of Anything Else (


The Great Vanishing of Information – by A Midwestern Doctor  

Bemærk også : Archive – The Forgotten Side of Medicine (


DEI is inextricably connected with an illiberal, authoritarian cult – The Expose (

“The diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”) regime has assumed a few names since the summer of 2020, among them: “woke” and “cancel culture.”

 But it can be more precisely referred to as “critical social justice.”

So, what exactly is critical social justice that so many in the Western world have been forcibly subjected to?”


Breaking History Ep 56: CIA Coups in Venezuela, Zionist Chaos Agents and Conservative Trojan Horses (   


The most dangerous ten people you’ve never heard of   (farlige, men langt fra de farligste


The U.K. show trials begin


Eric Schmidt, the Bilderberg Group, and Election 2024





The Doctor That Got Banned For Speaking Out:“We’ve Been Lied To About Medication!” Dr Aseem Malhotra


WHO’s Tedros declares global “mpox” emergency


**** WOKEJEWSKI – Death Becomes Her: Turbo Karma Takes Another Technocratic




Hvad vejer mon mest – psykosen, pengene eller lægeløftet? (


Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA “Vaccines” to Turbo Cancer



Scott Ritter: Israel’s Entire Future Hangs in the Balance – Russia Wiping Out Ukraine’s Army





Andrew Tate ANGERS Muslims With This Speech On The UK Anti-Immigration Riots… (EPIC) 


**** Rowan Atkinson om ytringsfrihed  (fra 2012)



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