Af Lone Nørgaard.
UGE 30
NewSpeek lægger indlæg op 2-3 gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.
I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene).
Læs, lyt og døm selv!
**** Truth Justice ™ – THEY KILLED JFK: Intelligence Officer confirms why they killed JFK. “You obey us or you will see […] (bragt tidligere)
**** The New World Order: How We Got Here
Who has the power to kill the world?
Musings on the Department of Defense
Hvem styrer virkelig verden? Et fantastisk interview med Sasha Latypova
Med introen: “If I [Breggin] had a list of the top ten lifetime interviews, this would be competing for number one. It started out with me comfortably chatting with our guest, Sasha Latypova, about the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in controlling Operation Warp Speed.
She replied, in effect, “The DoD is the largest and most powerful globalist entity in the world.”
“What is ‘De-Masculinizing’ Today’s Men?”
**** Max Spiers: To Control The World You Need To Take Out The Alpha Males
Playbook for poisoning populations with vaccines and other biological products
Informeret samtykke til vaccinerne og medicin generelt (
Dialog med Dragsted (
Putin wants widespread use of CBDCs, there is no doubt that Russia is following the UN’s global plan
The People’s Court of New Normal Germany
”Til gavn for alle nye læsere, der ikke er bekendt med mig og min sag, er jeg ikke en terrorist. Jeg er en prisvindende amerikansk dramatiker, romanforfatter og politisk satiriker.
Jeg har boet her i Berlin i 20 år. De tyske myndigheder har efterforsket og retsforfulgt mig siden august 2022.”
”Dybest set bliver jeg retsforfulgt for at “spredning af pro-nazistisk propaganda”, fordi jeg kritiserede Covid-maskemandaterne og tweetede forsiden af en af mine bøger, The Rise of The New Normal Reich .
Her er omslaget til bogen. De to andre billeder er de seneste forsider af Der Spiegel og Stern, to velkendte mainstream tyske magasiner, som ikke bliver retsforfulgt for at “sprede pro-nazistisk propaganda.”
“Help spread the word about the new totalitarianism, about the phasing-out of our democratic rights.
I don’t care which “side” of whatever you are on — Trump, Biden, Palestine, Israel, the culture wars, the cancel campaigns, Covid, Elon Musk, Russia, whatever — and neither do The Powers That Be.
Take a step back and try to see the bigger picture … the forest, instead of just the trees. And then make as much noise about it as you can.
We are heading somewhere very ugly … somewhere most of us can’t imagine. Some of us will get there first, but all of us will be there, together, eventually.”
”Forud for ethvert nyt totalitært system er der en eller anden form for borgerkrig.
Du kan ikke bare implementere totalitarisme ud af ingenting.
For at påtvinge samfundet totalitarisme er man nødt til at rive samfundet fra hinanden, sætte masserne op mod hinanden, opildne til fanatisme, massehysteri og had. Frem for alt skal du fremkalde frygt.” (PC-oversættelse)
A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the court proceeding before the Göttingen Regional Court, his personal situation and on current world events.
Om kosten, kosttillskott och vår hälsa (Lars Bern)