Af Lone Nørgaard.
UGE 13
NewSpeek lægger indlæg op 2-3 gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.
I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)
Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Næste opslag kommer d. 3. april – GOD PÅSKE
**** Multiple intel sources: Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure – Laura Logan mener, at Baltimore var en terrorhandling – og dokumenterer det her:
Lara Logan – Intelligence Agencies are saying the Baltimore Bridge Collapse was a Cyber Attack
- Logan tror på Trump. En anden tilgang til Trump kommer her:
Scroll ned til videoen med G. Edward Griffin interviewet af Greg Hunter
- hvor afdøde Matthew North forklarer pointen med at eje 2 modsatrettede kontrollerede oppositioner – fra 15:44. ’Huset vinder altid’.
Trump bliver analyseret fra 8:53
Blair, Berlusconi and false flag terror
**** It’s War: The Real Meat Grinder Starts Now
Who’s Really Behind The Great Reset (Not WEF) w/Ivor Cummins
Fascism, Communism or something else – which is it running the world today?
YouTube har skjult 9/11-videoer siden 2019
Ron Paul Predicted Today’s Disasters. What’s Next?
Vandana Shiva:
“Four companies today control the seed system. They do not want farmers to have their own seeds. They treat farmers having their own seeds as violating their monopoly rights”
New World Order-forudsigelser fra 1969
How “climate change” is used to remove all your rights and freedoms
German Government Gone Mad Again
**** No World This Week (scroll ned)
“The confusion is the point. They win by even seeding the idea of deepfakes into the public consciousness. We’ll be doing the Deep Staters’ dirty work for them when we start jumping all over every event to question what aspect of it is fake, thereby ensuring that we never address anything that they are actually doing in reality.
STORY #2: “Europe is wargaming a food crisis“ via Bloomberg
UK Lawmaker Stuns Parliament With Call for Members of ‘COVID Cabal’ To Face Death Penalty
Hvad skete der dog i januar 2021?
Top Doctor Details ‘Huge Financial Incentives’ For Hospitals To Murder Covid Patients
**** Long term sickness, massive increase
Covid and the division of families
DOCUMENTARY: ‘A Farewell to Virology’ (Part 1)
getting cancer after covid jabs and booster
Genocide: Pfizer Lies caused 20 Million Deaths & counting across several Nations
Red Heifer Sacrifice To Reveal ANTICHRIST? Jews Plan SATANIC Ritual & 3rd Temple
Glenn Diesen: vestlig mediedekning av Russland er utrolig farlig, og det blir verre
Gjør Russland seg virkelig klar til å angripe Europa?
**** 500 Years of Western Dominance: Is it Coming to an End and What Comes Next?
USA åpner 12 militærbaser i Norge for å konfrontere Russland i Arktis
Putins atomvarsel er direkte og eksplisitt
**** The corruption of the alternative media
Conspiracy Truths – The Route 91 Documentary
Mark David Chapman Didn’t Kill John Lennon by David Whelan
Orgonite Oasis bliver en månedlig event i 2024 i Valby.
20. april
24. maj
21. juni
20. juli
17. august
14. september
18. oktober
16. november
14. december