Af Lone Nørgaard.
NewSpeek lægger indlæg op tre gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.
Til gengæld udvides BLANDEDE BOLSJER, således at links, der tidligere ville have fået et selvstændigt opslag, vil være at finde her.
Vi forsøger at sætte op tematisk og har markeret særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)
Så her er, hvad vi har samlet i denne omgang. Som altid: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
New World Order / Digital infrastruktur /WHO
Lykkelige Fagre Nye DK – udvidet version
**** De gør sig klar til at undertrykke menneskeheden som aldrig før
(det er tung læsning, men teksten giver en overordnet ramme på dansk)
COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious
Global Digital Infrastruktur gjennom “50-in-5”
The World’s Biggest Surveillance Project Exposed: ‘50in5’
UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’
Right Wing Rising? – #NewWorldNextWeek
The coronavirus as bioweapon project…
She’s EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb Redacted
Yes,The Irish Riots Were Wrong – But Behind Them Is A Gathering Fury Sweeping Europe & America – David Icke Dot-Connector (gå evt. 2 minutter ind)
‘Elites want to break the sovereignty of nations’ | Steve Bannon talks Trump, Farage, & Dublin Riots
’Vacciner’ & biovåben
**** M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)
“Tallene viser, de begår massemord”
BREAKING: Emergency video from Liz Gunn about the situation in New Zealand.
Andrew Bridgen, Liz Gunn, Barry Young Discuss The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set
Dr Andrew Mouldens final words before he passed away.
DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN excellent piece, illuminating: “Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue ….
An Aviation Disaster in the Making
Har desværre ikke noget link:
“EU lawmaker dies of ‘heart attack’, age 70, following accusation of Von Der Leyen in corruption.
Rivasi was investigating EC head von der Leyen and Pfizer, who are preparing to extend their contract to supply the vaccine until 2026 at inflated prices with a 40% oversupply of doses.
Rivasi was preparing to give a report to the European Parliament on December 15. She wanted to announce the results of the investigation and provide copies of documents to the press.”
Expert testimony on the Pandemic in the UK Parliament
**** Doktor Heiko Schöning: Det næste angreb bliver biovåben og bakterier
”Uanset hvad, om der sker en bakteriologisk false flag eller ej, bør du altid have dette som permanent del af dit medicinskab: MMS/Klordioxid, kolloid sølv, vild oregano olie, grapefrugtkerne ekstrakt.”
Leaked Video Reveals Rockefeller ‘Predicted’ Covid Jab Depopulation Agenda in 1994
“It’s hard to dismiss this as mere speculation. See what you think. For my own part, I do not believe there’s any convincing evidence that “the world is overpopulated”. That’s a claim. It’s propaganda. We’re not running out of energy or space, nor is food production inadequate. Peak population was expected to be reached anyway by mid century and be declining fast by 2100.
His excuses are sickening.
Note, he’d spent 25 years funding lies about climate change by then. The Club of Rome was tasked with persuading us the world was overpopulated from the early 1970s. A little fait accompli as far as I’m concerned.
Mike Yeadon
Midtøsten ved et vendepunkt –
**** Why Israel Really Invaded Gaza – The Shocking Truth Behind the Genocide
Kiev-ordfører Klitsjko: Zelensky gjør Ukraina til et autokratisk samfunn – 3
”Vitali Klitschko er høyrenasjonalist og ble preppet til lederposisjon i Ukraina av de tyske konservative. Han var verdensmester i tungvekstboksing og ble politiker. Han har hatt tette forbindelser til tyske CDU og Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) som fungerer som en front for tysk etterretningstjeneste.”
Lee Harvey Oswald’s Final Phone Call
På positiv-siden
Her er linket til bogen.
The New Zealand government has said NO to the WHO amendments before 1 December 2023.
Generation Identitær: Vi udbyder også gerne et kursus
Philippines notifies WHO it rejects the amendments to International Health Regulations “in toto”
Sydafrika går forrest i arbejdet for “exit WHO” – (
WHO notified that Netherlands needs Parliamentary approval to be bound by IHR changes
Interview 1851 – New World Dis-Order på CHD TV – The Corbett Report
”James og Meryl belyser, hvordan en “komplet gentænkning” af verdens magtstruktur ser ud, leder os gennem slagplanen for modstanderens multivinklede angreb for at skabe deres “New World Dis-Order” og giver os inspirerende løsninger til at kæmpe tilbage.”
Line vil ikke have MitID – men det koster hende dyrt
Freedom & Consciousness: Derrick Broze Live at MIT