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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

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French Police Say “We’re At War With Vermin” As Nationwide Riots Spread Like Cancer


Top 10 headlines the media didn’t tell you this week


Borgerkrigen i Frankrike


FLASHBACK FUNNY: “Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!”


Unpicking Agenda 2030, Climate Change and more: Sandi Adams


UK COVID Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be


FRANCE – isn’t falling in the way you think it is!

The people will fall .. straight into the arms of state control.

Digital ID

movement restrictions

Social Media censorship

Internet blackouts

The people will beg for it. And then we all fall



They are not failing, this is exactly what they wanted to create – chaos.

Remember their Masonic motto: ‘Ordo ab chao’

Order out of chaos.

They need the collapse of society in order to implement their dystopian  15 minute, smart city, credit score, total surveillance reality.

Macron has not failed, he’s done exactly what he was told to do by those who pull his strings!

The mass immigration we have seen in the last decade is the Trojan horse they needed to destroy the West from within. That’s why in his recent declarations Macron did not blame immigration for the riots, he blamed social media – why? Because amongst other things they want to completely remove our freedom of speech.

These riots, like Antifa’s riots post George Floyd’s death are not a sign of ‘we the people’ fighting the system, it’s a sign that their ‘divide and conquer’ method continues to serve them well.


KEEP FIGHTING DON’T FAIL THE TEST – Motivational Speech by Andrew Tate | Andrew Tate Motivation



Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård – The Corbett Report

The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård (

The UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination (   6.

 ”Du kan læse alt om “Fremtidens Topmøde” og “Pagten for fremtiden” på FN’s officielle hjemmeside lige her.”

 Report: UN ‘Pact For The Future’ Seeks Permanent Emergency Powers For ‘Complex Global Shocks’ – Summit News     

“The UN is set to outline a far reaching plan to secure emergency powers that would allow the global body to lead a “common agenda” for all nations during any “complex global shocks” such as a new pandemic.

The Federalist reports that the plan is to be finalised at a September 2024 ‘Summit of the Future,’ where the UN will adopt a ‘Pact for the Future,’ to include policies that have been outlined in the globalist body’s ‘Our Common Agenda‘ report.”

“Rapporten bemærker, at nogle detaljer om nødplatformen blev skitseret i et papir fra marts, hvor FN’s generalsekretær erklærede: “Jeg foreslår, at Generalforsamlingen giver generalsekretæren og FN-systemet en stående myndighed til automatisk at indkalde og operationalisere en nødplatform i tilfælde af et fremtidigt komplekst globalt chok af tilstrækkeligt omfang, sværhedsgrad og rækkevidde.”     (PC oversat)   


Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence


Nu bliver hundredvis af medicinske artikler slettet

– de blev brugt til politisk at retfærdiggøre Covid-foranstaltningerne.


Public Comment Deadline – July 7, 2023


Viral vaccine paper, Dr Vibeke Manniche


Nearly half of US drinking water may contain toxic ‘forever chemicals’


What happened? BlackRock and Vanguard happened

They buy all the houses in entire neighborhoods eventually and leave them empty. Soon after local businesses go out of business and either move elsewhere or close shop. No shops, the people end up moving where the shops are.

This is how American land is being cleared and people are forced to live in crowded metropolitan cities.

This will make it easier for the globalist scum to herd everyone into smart city prisons.

It’s the parasitic oligarchs ultimate goal. New World Order and people locked into Smart City Prisons where they will not be able to plant their own food and own livestock, therefore have to do what they’re told by the one world totalitarian system to get fed.

And will have to eat toxic frankenfoods and bugs. Get jabbed nonstop as required.

(jeg har ingen kilde)


Gatekeeper 2: BBC’s Marianna Spring – Disinformation Reporter #MinistryofTruth


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