Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
En lidt ældre sag, men stadig aktuel:
Dr Anastasia Maria Loupis holder tale på Rådhuspladsen for Police for freedom
Noam Chomsky: Trump is Only Western Statesman Pushing to End War in Ukraine
Decentralized and Neutral
… If the government that came to power in a US-orchestrated coup in 2014 had expressly refrained from joining NATO and the EU, like Switzerland did, and the two then breakaway Russian-speaking provinces in the east of the country would have been let go instead of bullied and terrorized, the potential threat to Russia would have been reduced and the present catastrophe would almost certainly not have occurred.
Under sustained US pressure, combined with their own audacity, the Ukrainian ruling clique did nothing of the sort and continued to demand NATO membership. This would have extended the US military presence right up to the borders of greater Russia, which had been declared an enemy state.
Therefore, no one could doubt that the behavior of the Ukrainian government would be perceived by the Russian side as a tremendous provocation and a serious threat. The actual result of this provocation, which is now available, was not foreseeable, but it was quite foreseeable that one’s own behavior would also make a Russian reaction like the one that actually took place more likely. In the war in Ukraine, as so often in history, Putin does not have just one father, but several.
The completely one-sided anti-Russia hysteria and agitation that is currently widespread in the West is therefore not only factually incorrect, but is primarily intended to distract from the West’s own role in the current drama. And it is meant to make us forget that the United States and its NATO vassals have been responsible for far more war casualties and war damage over the past thirty years than Russia has since the collapse of the Soviet Union and currently in Ukraine….
Vienna Is Also Becoming a Testing Ground for A Chinese-Style Social Credit System
“The Chinafication of Europe is spreading like a virus as European cities, one after the other, seem to be pushing the Chinese social credit system idea forward. It’s not only in Bologna, Italy, that a digitally monitored social credit system is in the pipeline. Similar projects are planned in Bavaria, Germany, and Belgium but they have not progressed as far as in Bologna. And now, the so-called “Vienna Token” will be tested in Austria’s federal capital, Vienna, in the autumn.”
‘Resist!’ Macron faces backlash as he launches digital ID days after French election win
The Global Genocide Plan Explained In 5 Minutes By Alex Jones
Danish professor: mRNA vaccine study sends ‘danger signals’
*Note that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is more than double the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990.
Why more and more Americans are refusing to be vaccinated
World Economic Forum pushes digital ID system that will determine access to services
Did Moderna Trial Data Predict ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated?’
A new study based on Moderna’s Phase 3 clinical trial data suggests recipients of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely.
Fuellmich: Vi er ved et vendepunkt
Deep State Claiming Ownership of YOUR Children
“Eventually, the agenda is to replace parents completely, allowing the state to take control of raising the next generation. There are few battles in the fight for freedom more critical than this one.”
What Do They Mean When They Say It’s ‘Disinformation’
BlackRock og Vanguard vil sikre seg nesten total kontroll over matproduksjonen i USA
Watch MEP Destroy Entire Covid Policy in 5 Minutes: ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’
Muligvis bragt før, men kan godt tåle et gensyn:
Russia Crushing Ukrainian Army – No Threat of Nuclear WWIII 3. maj 2022
Danish professor: mRNA vaccine study sends ‘danger signals’ 3
DATA FRAUD?! “They Want To Take Over The World” Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaks Out On NWO Pandemic Lies
“Excerpts from an excellent interview with Dr. Yeadon on James Delingpole’s show.”
David Siegel: “It’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”
“We still don’t know what really drives our climate. There’s no way we can predict the next 100 years of climate with any accuracy. To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate, and the big drivers are orbital mechanics and plate tectonics. But there’s still a lot to learn.”
U.S. Food Famine Was Simulated in 2015: The Premeditated Plan To Starve Americans
“Globalists are destroying our food plants! Edward Szall joins The Stew Peters Show to expose the harm that could occur from these food plant disasters, and who might be behind this!”